Monday, March 06, 2006

The Father "The False Messiah"

The Church of Scientology has made an elaborate story of L. Ron Hubbard's Nobel blood . In truth LRH's family was lower middle-class , way lower , like poor . His father was a simple white-collar clerk , with debts . LRH grew up in this surrounding , not as a former family member of royalty as his followers are taught . At a young age Ron was married and had two children . Soon later LRH turned to the navy . LRH became a navel Captain . Just before the war ended Ron became hospitalized . Not with war injuries as followers preach , but for mental fatigue . He was dismissed two weeks after the end of WWII . Ron started writing mostly Sci-fi novels and short stories . All were seen as poor , weak , stories with little or no changing story line . His writings were mostly featured in "Astounding Science Fiction Magazine" . "Not really a great feat" . Funny thing though his biggest "flunky" came from this mag , the editor of "Astounding Si-Fi magazine" .

During my research of the "Church" , the same theme keeps coming up L. Ron Hubert's involvement with Aleister Crowley "The Beast 666" , "To Mega Therion" . For those who don't know , Aleister Crowley was the the most famous Satanist of the 20th century . Crowley was the founder of the group , "Ordo Templi Orientis" Or "OTO" and before that "Argenteum Astrum" . Crowley a "Warlock of black magick" was a student of mind control and a practiced hedonism . Crowley wrote a great deal of Occult books including , "Moonchild [the foretelling of the Anti-Christ ] , The Equinox [The Review of Scientific Illuminism ] . "Sound familiar" ? "It should it's what L. Ron Hubbard's based Dianetics on" ! Crowley also wrote commentaries on Tarot , Astrology and Kabbalah [ Jewish witchcraft] . John Whiteside Parsons was a student of Crowley's . He was also a scientist . "A scientist , occultist , nice combo" ! John or "Jack" to his friends , was introduced to LRH at a meeting at his house in South Orange Grove in Pasadena . It was also the meeting house of "OTO" . Jack was just separated from his wife and had taken up with her blond 18yr old sister Betty [ Sara ] . He took great pleasure in passing her around the "club" . Jack and Ron became great friends and soon afterwards business partners . Also soon afterwards Ron started an affair with Sara . Suffice it to say his involvement with this organization Ron Sr. came up with his techniques of mind control . He was also involved with Jack Parson's attempt to father the Anti-Christ , or what Crowley called the "Moonchild" . After a night out in the Mojave desert Jack and Ron meet the woman who consented to have the "Moonchild" , she was the blood red haired woman Crowley prophisized . Her name was Marjorie Cameron a lune to the 1st. degree ! She soon went by the name , "Whore of Babylon" as in Crowley's writings . Some people believe that child lives today as the now head of the "Church" , David Miscavige . I don't the dates don't match up .

"I know this is sounding preposterous ! The stories around this cult are all crazy ! And I'm leaving out millions of back stories" !

After Ron became partners with his "friend" Jack , Ronny absconded away [with Sara in tow] with thousands of dollars . Jack did finally get some of his money back but not until Ron spent most of it . In Florida , where he and Sara hid , he sued the Veterans Administration for fake medical damages during the war . He settled for tens of dollars per mouth . He and Sara were also married , trouble was he wasn't divorced from his first wife . "This guy was just a piece of work" ! Around 1948 Ron started writing his "masterpiece" Dianetics . In April 1950"Astounding Science Fiction Magazine" announced L. Ron Hubbart has made astounding discoveries with his next book "Dianetics" . "He has a technique of psychotherapy to cure insanity ...That insanity is contagious not hereditary ... A technique to cure ulcers , asthma , arthritis ...and other diseases . A technique that gives a man a perfect , indelible , total memory and perfect , errorlessability to compute his problems" ! On May 1950 AS SiFi Magazine printed the first copy of "Dianetics - A New Science Of The Mind" . Isaac Asimov called it "Freudian Crap" . I call it theft . A thief of a "Satanist's Ideas" .

I think L. Ron Hubbard is a charlatan , a fraud , a terrific con artist , and a genius thief . He learned his skills from the master occultist of the twentieth century Alister Crowley . He stole almost ever idea Crowley had , including his controlling techniques , but he couldn't steal Crowley's largest asset his wit and charm [ from what I understand ]. He was a con man with no moral servitude and a coward who died alone in a room a total recluse . A mad corrupt villain , hated . A total scum-bag who raped women and some say his own flesh and blood [ his son L . Ron Hubbard Jr. ] .

L. Ron Hubbard has many quotes , my favorite is . "If a man wanted to make a million dollars , the best way to do it would be to start his own religion" ! Enuff said Da Wallycrawler .

The 3 posts I wrote I merely scratched the surface . I tried to summarize what I had read in the last 2-3 months . If anyone is interested in reading the truth about this dangerous "cult" . I highly recommend these web site... : Operation Clambake . : FACT Net

Also the most eerie of all the , OT-8 Documents . Where the "Church" revels it's true origin . A Satanist Cult . : FACT Net

53 Don't Just Sit There Say Sumthin !:

Keshi said...

**If a man wanted to make a million dollars , the best way to do it would be to start his own religion"

well-said! cos there is always a bunch of blind followers!

**Kabbalah [ Jewish witchcraft]

is this true? I never knew Kabbalahs r to do with witchcraft!!


wallycrawler said...

That's true , spells , incantations , everything !
In league with the occult , big-time !

PDD said...

I have to come read this, but I am affraid I have to take a shower first. I wont have the time at this moment, but I will come back and read your most recent work.

wallycrawler said...

I love PDD !

Kathleen Callon said...

When we lived in LA, I was invited to come by and check it out. Never went, though. After reading this, I'm happier I didn't. Peace.


wallycrawler said...

Kathleen : I hear Russ Feingold is a good man . I've seen a couple of his speeches . He seems a lot better than Hilary .

Die Muräne said...

Good job, wallycrawler!

Years ago these guys ask me on the street to come in, have a drink and listen to them. So I (young as I was) went with them, had a coke and a girl asked me, what I wanted most, right now in this moment. And I said "fuck you" hahaha, and they let me go and I never ever heard from them again. I was surprised about myself. Funny but true!

wallycrawler said...

Sorry Capt. Beck is a lifetime Scientologist , not only that his family is part of the founders . They were very instrumental in his career . Ya don't get the cover of Rolling Stone on your 1st. album unless ya got heavy representation . I love his music though . His last album I really wanted to hate but just couldn't ! "Goes to show ya , ya never know who's behind da curtains" !

Die being young and strong they probably thought you were to much for them . Most cults don't want a strong willed person , they call them unresponsive or not forthcoming .You were kind'a lucky cause sex is one of the many tools Scientology uses to lure young men and women into the cult .

ing said...

And sex is what I will use to lure Beck away from his church. He did, by the way, divorce his Scientologist wife.

I heard that L. Ron didn't even believe in his book in the first place -- that Dianetics was originally written on a bet and that Mr. H. knew it was all fantasy.

But um, be careful about knocking Jewish mysticism (if that's what you're doing). . . I don't think it's in the same league as Alistair Crowley's stuff.

Die Muräne said...

you could start sort of "buy-an-american-car-and-feel-happier-and-have-more-sex-and-power"-cult. Donations to the Chevy-preacher are always welcome lol

Die Muräne said...

I will start a "read-the-muraenenblog"-cult. (can badly need it lol)

wallycrawler said...

Ing nothing is in the same league as the Aleister Crowley stuff . LRH didn't ever believe in Dianettics until his mind became corrupted with drugs and his body gave way .As for Beck he's still in the "Church" and he'd be hard to break , he has been in the "church" since birth . Also his music makes reference to Scientology references . Funny thing on your site [I didn't want to point it out ] you mentioned William S. Burroughs , also a former Scientologist .

As for Kabbalah the sect in California run by Phillip Berg , Feivel Gruberger & Karen Berg is defiantly a cult . They use all kinds of mind control techniques and all are facing charges for ...fraud , manipulation & Violent intimidation... sounds like a cult . As for the mysticism no I don't believe in it . It's crap ! So was Crowley the Freemason !

Mr. Guesa said...

I just can't take a religion seriously that the Top Gun is willing to sue everyone in the world over...sounds more like a means to exercise social status power than it is actually believing. Plus, the belief itself is incredibly stupid. Am I wrong?

ing said...

On Kabbalah, I guess Orthodox Jews dismiss it out of hand. But as far as I understand it, there's Kabbalah and there's Kabbalah. You're probably thinking of the contemporary and trendy Kabbalah stuff -- some of its practitioners were orginally Christians and not Jews. I don't believe in any deity myself, but I tend to have a lot more respect for religions and practices that, as a means of explaining the world, have been practiced and used for a long time. I'm not sure why. . . I'm just sayin', the people who come to my bookstore looking for Dianetics are radically different from those who are looking for stuff on Kabbalah.

I know about Burroughs's foray -- we actually have a rare-ish copy of this book.

You know, I almost broke up with Beck over the Scientology thing. But I do believe in the love of a good woman, so I'm going to give it my best shot.

Keshi said...

Wally I have a blog friend who's a Kabbalah follower...he put up some real great posts abt some of the teachings...I dunno abt Witchcraft etc but the philosophy behind those teachings sounded really great...alot like Buddhism...but I never knew they were into Witchcraft etc...


nikki said...

Last summer I saw three men stringing beaded bracelets at a coffee shop with the acronym WWMD... any guesses?

What Would Madonna Do *cough, cough, wretch*

I couldn't bring myself to stop eyeballing this activity. I couldn't bring myself to eat the pastry I'd purchased with my coffee, either.

Hey, thanks for stopping by my space.

wallycrawler said...

Keshi the term witchcraft is a term most people use for others who practice the "art" of incantations . I once dated , [ I should use the term slept with for a while ] a witch , a wicken . She was maybe the best sex of my life and she was gorgeous . She would give me Ora massages . She wouldn't lay a hand on me but just over my body , about 6"-4" or so . She would say all kinds of things under her breath . What I dunno but it turned me on to no end , well there was a end . Anyway to make a long story short it's all bullshit . All religion is bullshit ! Religion was designed to take control of the masses make sure they pay their taxes , pay their ties , keep the people under control . If your looking for answers in life don't go to a "guru" ! Seek out children , yours , a friends , look them in the eye . You will see your answer .

If you want to make a difference in your life help the sick , dieing , starving children in the world . Christian Children's fund maybe for a start . Give a helping hand . I guarantee you after you give just a little bit back , you will find your answer ...! I did !

wallycrawler said...

Ing I think your one of the smartest , most talented people on the net . Really !

I do believe in a creator . Why ? Just has to be so . Had to start sometime . I think he/she gave us a lot of clues . We just mess up the answers .

wallycrawler said...

Capt . Have ya ever seen the movie "Ghost" ? Ya know that clay table scene ? That wasn't put there out of story line , it was added to accommodate Demi Moore who was a practicing Scientologist . "Ya learn sumtin every time ya go on my page don'tcha" ?
So the answer is no , ya don't jump on a couch . Ya make pottery !

Nikki nice of ya to come by ! Ya some people just don't have lives . I can't find time to blog , let along work-out anymore .
Nikki come back anytime ! Anytime !!!

wallycrawler said...

"Burger yous is right on" !

Rick Anonymi said...

Instead of reading what you wrote, I'm going to just tell you flat out:

Where do you keep the pancake batter? I simply must bake a cake in your honor. Or dishonor. That's really up to the High Council.

Knitty Kitty said...

holy crap, as if scientology didn't scare me enough already.

careful, they are lawsuit-happy

wallycrawler said...

Hey Rick your a funny guy love da site .

Hi Kitty . How ya do'n ? Nice ta meet ya !
Kitty I'm not afraid of a lawsuit from the "church" cause everything I wrote was TRUE ! So the lawsuit would be frivolous . Also can't you tell I have an anonymous blog . "Who da fuck is dis guy" ? Can't sue a ghost ! You should be scared of this "cult" they are becoming more & more set into our culture . From our terminology to our TV , music and movies . We should all boycott movies made or fronted by the "church" . TV shows like "The 70's Show" , "Malcolm In The Middle" to the "My Name Is Earl" . Those shows are well written And well acted , but these shows have heavy Scientology references [from the writers ]. Also both shows have a mostly "Scientology Cast" .

Fuckit : Hey dude ! They are the evilest fuckers !

crallspace said...

Scientology never interested me. Seeing that pretentioid Tom Cruise made the decision for me: hoaky, fake crap.

wallycrawler said...

Hey Mack ! Love da new aviator !

Crall what's up ? Not only did he look like a fool . He f'n up the opening of "War Of The Worlds" ! That movie barely made it's money back with stunts like that he pulled .The guy's has gone completely psycho ! If I were a major movie producer [I'm not ]I'd think again about Tom Cruise .

josh williams said...

Very cool, when I started my blog almost a year ago I posted a few things on scientolgy. I knew nothing of blogging and was making fun of the "CHurch" enjoyed your info. I tried to sign up on their web site under an assumed name, but they kept wanting to meet me, funny thing is the local chapter is about a mile up the road from my office, I have looked I think its just someones house. I did not pursue anyfuther cause freaks like that piss me off and I don't need anything else to spoil my day. Strong work Walley JW

Gyrobo said...

Beware those that tell you one thing and do another. That's the markings of vampirism.

His Majesty said...

This is indeed a disturbing universe.

wallycrawler said...

Josh thanx ! Hope ya had fun with the brain dead "cultists" . Why don'tcha go into the nest and demand sex like Die Murane did !LOL .
My cousin would bring the "Jehovah's Witness" into his house . He's 6'3" 320lbs of "Bad Ass Biker" . Sit them down in the living room , put on raslling , crack beer after beer , eat chips and have the crunbs fall all over his rather large front frame . look at them and point at the tube "Ya gotta love dat Bret Hart" ! "Best there is , best there was , best there ever will be " ! "Yup Gotta love Bret, wanna beer " ? They would run out'a there !!!

wallycrawler said...

Glad to meet ya "his majesty" . If ya promise not to hit me with a death ray , I promise not to kick the shit out'a ya !

jungle jane said...

if that dude can start a cult so can i. all i need is a manifesto and tom cruise on board. wally will you join my cult?

wallycrawler said...

I'm all ready on board Jane , but I want to be "High Priest" K ?

His Majesty said...

As a freelance monarch, I am the physical embodiment of the various and unspecific robotic dieties. I therefore sit at the head of the First Church of Tax Exempt Status, and collect from my subjects a yearly tithe in the form of cattle.

Keshi said...

Wally hehehe nice Witchy woman there ha ;-)

**Seek out children , yours , a friends , look them in the eye

I so believe in that! I know what u mean. I follow Buddhism and Buddhism aint a's a way of life. I will be coming up with a post abt 'religion'...stay tuned :)


ing said...

On Tom Cruise:

I, too, despise him. In just about every movie he's done, we get a scene in which he runs as fast as he can, hair streaming in the wind created by his sprinter's locomotive determination, teeth clenched. He always seems both hyoer and angry, a small dog with killer jaws. Mr. Cruise gives me the heebs. But I have to say I liked him in Magnolia. Though again he creeped me out. I thought perhaps he was playing himself. There was a certain honesty to his performance that we don't normally see. This now has nada to do with Scientology, but I wonder if Mr. Cruise would be better if (a) he got some professional help and (b) he didn't feel the need to play the kinds of roles for which he's absolutely not suited. His acting is so stilted!

Wally, thanks for saying what you said -- you really made my night.

ing said...


Have you read The Future of an Illusion by Sigmund Freud? It's a little outdated now, but I think you'd get a kick out of it.

jungle jane said...

well wally okay. but you know that means you have to wear a pink tutu and wipe your bum on George Bush loo paper??

Die Muräne said...

I just read your comment on Keshis blog about choosing Jennifer Aniston for a night. Looool, crazy guy. For me you ARE already the "high priest" ;-)

wallycrawler said...

Your...His...Whatever Majesty can I become a robo too ? Live forever and only change the oil once a month . Sounds good to me .But can ya still have sex if not fuck it !

Keshi I knew I was dealing with a truly enlightened being . I can't wait for your post .

Capt. Naw Demi and Ashton have become part of that Madonna , Kabbalah , dance'n , red string wear'n cult . So she doesn't make pottery anymore . There's some crazy nut jobs in LaLa land that's for sure ! But she's got great tits eh ?

Double J You and I know only "REAL" men can wear pink . It would be a pleasure to dawn the tights and tutu for my "Queen" , but I gotta inform ya I'm a dominant transvestite not a submissive . But I would pose a striking model 44-32-36 That's a nice frame in tights eh ?

Hey Die LOL . I forgot I wrote that ! I went back to see what I said ? Fuck I kill myself !

Ing , Ing , Ing... You want me to read Freud ??? Man do you got the wrong dude . Ing I'm as dumb as a stump . If I said I was slow it would be an insult to slow people . Where I work I'm a genius outside of that...very dim . But thanx for the complement .

PDD said...

TAG! You're it. For further info go to my site.

Pixie Sprinkle said...

That Alaistair Crowley is smoking hot!

crallspace said...

Wally, how'd he F up the opening of WOTW? What stunts did he pull?

I know he is on a campaign to sue everyone who says mean things about him.

His acting is the worst thing to hit the screen in years. Born on the Fourth of July was the worst yet. You may've inspired yet another post...

wallycrawler said...

Lenren I would love to see that newspaper article , but I had to pull my e-mail address for now . I had a couple of weird ones after I started the Scientology crap . I will re-post my email in a few days or a week .

wallycrawler said...

Capt. Carla I love your dress . What you do'n on a Friday night ? How about a couple of drinks at my local strip bar ?

Crall it started when his Scientology representation were actively shopping Cruise around for a girlfriend . They asked 10-20 young starlets to date him , including a very vocal Scarlett Johansen . He was having some problems stemming from that gay lover thing in the UK . Then when he found a taker , Katie Holmes , he acted like a fool making out with her at every press junket . Remember Micheal Jackson & that Presley chick on the "MTV" awards ? Same shit different faces ! Then the Oprah show , followed by the Matt Lauer "Today Show" disgrace .

That movie took 210 million to make & 100 million to promote . It opened way under expectations in the US . It's been said Spielberg will never work with him again . It did make money but only after the world wide sales came in . He had to go to every premiere . I think Spielberg showed up to the British and US ones . If I was a producer and fronted 300 mill. for that movie I would have kicked the shit out'a him !

The Taker of Gist said...

Ron was just a good kid caught up in something he didn't understand.

We can only guess at his motivation. That's why I invented a new device, the Etch-A-Sketch. Anyone who says they invented the Etch-A-Sketch is lying. I invented it, I hold the patent, I hold all the cards.

Go fish? Unlikely.

Gyrobo said...

Are you kidding? Ron Hubbard was great! He made all kinds of amazing music for the Commodore 64. Those SID files are old but pleasant to hear.

Wait, I'm thinking of Rob Hubbard. Eh. It's not like one letter ever made a difference.

wallycrawler said...

Crall LOL !
They're all phony fucks !

Gist I have an etch-a-sketch . I communicate with the afterlife with it ! That was a good invention , you must be proud ?

Is that right Gayrobo ?

The Phosgene Kid said...

Very enlightening. The only reason I need to despise Scientology is tom "Asswipe" Cruise

wallycrawler said...

That's a good as reason as any Kid !

Ubermilf said...

I also read a very good book that links Aleistar Crowley to the Nazis (via ... what's his name. Not Goebbels, not Hess... I'll think of it) and also discusses L.Ron.

I'm too tired now, but I'll look it up. I think you'd find it very interesting, and scary.

wallycrawler said...

Super Mom I Wanna Fuck thanx . That would be great I love true crime and I'm always interested into how the occult ties into it .

Maja said...

Hey Wally,

When I was 17 a friend and I got a mystery flight to Sydney and decided to catch up with her older sister while we were there for the day. She happened to be working for the church of scientology and she was working so we met her there and got a personal guided tour of the place. She explained a lot of stuff to us and even went through one of their books in the library, and showed us all the initialization stages of joining the church.

Even at 17 we could see that this was a load of bollocks, but the worst part was when we saw where she lived, in a compound with hundreds of other people working for the "church" in townhouses that were lined with bunk beds in the living areas for singles, while couples got their own rooms. Then we found out how little she got paid and she was putting in 15-16 hour days and we couldn't believe how happy she thought she was.

You can always recognise the smile of a scientologist. It's not real and they just LOOK brainwashed. I'm really glad that there are so many people exposing this ridiculous cult, including South Park, because it really does ruin people's lives when they get sucked into Scientology.

wallycrawler said...

Maja thanks for that sad story . There's still people who think of this cult as a religion . I'm glad you had the fortitude and brains to see through the crap . I love your site ! I'll visit it again soon . Thanx Again