Saturday, December 31, 2005

Wallycrawler's Nominations For Da "Toady Of Da Year".

Your 1st. Nominee :

"New" to the list and first time honouree.
Mark Williams "KFKB" Radio . " Republican Sycophant , Right Wing Arse and All Around Fat Boy " !
You my friend make Rush Limbaugh sick with your " It's not the governments fault your sick & dieing ". " You should have left when you were warned the storm was coming " ![ Katrina ]. " The government wasn't apathetic the people were complacent " speech on CNN. Here's my favorite quote , " Kayne West is a Black Klansman " ! Your Stupid !!!
Have another donut asshole !!!

Your 2nd. Nominee :

Thief and all around dip-shit .

" Tom Tom " Delay .

You really can't hold the mentally challenged responsible can you ? In this case yes . " Hang you fucker "!!!

Your 3rd. Nominee :

Winner of da "Wallycrawler Asshole Of Da Year " award , Tucker Carlson .

" Fucker " , I heard that was your nick-name in college, it suits you . Your such a right wing feeb . Your such a proponent for the Iraq war I think you should join up . Help the cause . Matter of fact I think everybody who is pro-war should either join up or they should send their kids . " Kill dem Iraqis " ! Send your kids Republicans !!!

Your 4th. Nominee :

" Large " Dick Cheney

" Yor da man in charge aren't you " ? Your the right hand man to Satan himself . You answer to no mere mortal . Your my choice . " Scumbag " !!!

You 5th. Nominee :

George " Dumba " Bush . Winner four the last four years running . ' The Champ " is still a huge toady to the large oil corporations . As a matter of fact he will kill our future serving the likes of " Mobil and Exxon " . Will you ? Supporting this " retard " is death to America and Americans . This man [ ? ] is a coward , who when called , " hid " ! Following him is like following Chicken Little . " Yes Mr. President you my take a pee ". " Do you need a hand finding it again " ? You ball-less , clueless , cross eyed clown !
" I don't like you " !!!

Join the coalition of forces to:


Dear Mr . Coke-Head "IF YOU BELIEVE IN YOUR WAR ... Send Your Daughters To Fight "! " Those Reptile , One Eye In Da Ditch Offspring Should Be In Iraq Freedom Fighting " ! " Have a bad Year Ya Dry Drunk "! Love Da Wallycrawler .

A Write In Winner :

From the outside , a winner " Toady Of Da Year" Tony Blair .

4 Don't Just Sit There Say Sumthin !:

jungle jane said...

The guy in the stripey tie is HOT. send him to Australia - i'll fix him up with some sugary, fatty snacks. And then - if you like - i'll feed him to the koalas?

wallycrawler said...

Didn't think ya liked stuff shrit preppy types ? Hey did I tell ya I went ta Harvard .

ing said...

Funny! And ooh, I can't stand that Tucker Carlson. He's so smirky!

wallycrawler said...

Nope , a long shot. "Blair wins" !