Thursday, January 09, 2014

Dirty "Fat" Al

We are ready for an unforeseen event that may or may not occur.” 
― Profit, Mentor, Liar, Thief, Inventor Of da Internet, Oil Man: 
Al Gore

Laugh'n all da way too da bank, Al Gore sold his "Current TV" company to Al Jazeera TV for more than 300 million bucks after taxes!.. & how can Al Jazeera afford that lofty sum of money for a crappy TV company that is drown'n in debt? OIL, BABY OIL!.. Al Jezeera is bankrolled by da Kingdom of Qatar! Qatar is a tiny Kingdom that's major export is crude oil. To da tune of 3.5 million barrels a day. 

Al Gore's new found riches also comes on da backs of a country that has huge human rights violations that maintains the torture of children and the brutal degrading of woman. All within a boundary that police are told to look da other way when husbands and fathers commit assaults against their wives & young children. Where flogging your woman is still da norm.. Even though their "so called" government says they have cracked down on such cases, it's still rampant and excused. In fact it's enforced within religious sects and their Monarchy society
Qatar is also a country that refuses to pay it's migrant work forces. The migrant workers that built those elaborate building we all see and admire? Well hey haven't been paid for over 9 months!  And counting! Qatar has left these foreign workers to starve!

"Fat" Al loves Qatar!.. Well he loves Qatar's dirty money!

This isn't  Gore's only dalliance in "Big Oil" He's made a fortune with Occidental Petroleum in da 90's. Al's OXY Ties

Don't tell da U'wa people in da North East of Colombia that Al Gore and his family have ideas of save'n da Earth. Albert Gore Sr (Al's Daddy) was da director of an Occidental Oil subsidiary, His involvement still lines da pockets of "Fat-Boy" Al... That company committed a virtual genocide of da U'wa peoples, 5000 strong, when OXY stole their legal land and extradited them. 

"Oxy, which still benefits from the stepped-up US military presence, was one of the most ardent proponents of Plan Colombia. After all, the best way for US military contractors to protect a pipeline is to remove the surrounding population, and coca eradication provides a pretext for the wanton aerial spraying of carcinogenic chemicals."... "Oxy, which still benefits from the stepped-up US military presence, was one of the most ardent proponents of Plan Colombia. After all, the best way for US military contractors to protect a pipeline is to remove the surrounding population, and coca eradication provides a pretext for the wanton aerial spraying of carcinogenic chemicals."
"Your silence", as U'wa representatives have said directly to Gore, "signifies the death of planet Earth and, consequently life upon her".  Green Left Weekly

‘No such thing as ethical oil,’ Al Gore 

I couldn't have said that better Dirty Al.

While Al was line'n his pockets with another huge "Big Oil" payout this last year, Mr Gore was quoted as say'n dur'n a speech in November 2013..."Americans should avoid oil stocks because  the carbon assets are over valued... this carbon bubble is is going to burst"... Enuff to say he hasn't heeded his own advise over da years of reaping huge payouts and benefits! 

"Five months after saying "the exploitation of the tar sands was "one of the most serious threats to the human race,” ...former U.S. vice-president Al Gore came back to Montreal this week with financial backing from Investors Group, a Power Corporation affiliate that is indirectly involved in Alberta's oil industry"
"The event's main sponsor is Investors Group, a Power Corp. companyowned by the Desmarais family. The Desmarais family and their Belgian partner, Albert Frere, are the largest shareholders in oil company Total, which hopes to take three billion barrels of oil from the Alberta tar sands".   Penny For Your Thoughts.

Gore has stated that da Canadian Tar Sands are "An open sewer"... I have an opinion on why he would say such nonsense... He has other investments in oil that would heap major benefits to him personally if the Canadian oil dropped production. That would be Colombian & Latin American Oil production! He owns shares in companies that would jump if Canadian oil falters. With that being said oil in South/Central America is a catastrophe! Oil companies there have mudered people, stole their land and destroyed millions, upon millions of acres of rainforests, With do'n so they cut down and poisoned the rainforest's biodiversity. 

This is where "Dirty Fat" Al Gore gets SOME of his money!
Al Gore’s strategy for saving the Earth seems to be with one person at a time? Starting with Al Gore!

Sa Later da Wallycrawler

First One In Eons eh!?