I've been thinking about a silent protest that could sway box stores like Home Depot and Walmart to buy North American goods . I call it the "Post It Protest" !
People would carry post-it's when shopping . If the consumer finds a product that he or she wishes to buy they read the label , if the product is made in Asia [or a foreign country that uses slaves as a labour force] they post a note on the product . This protest would not hurt the products [other than sitting on the shelf forever] . This could be used in car dealerships also . "FUCK HONDA & TOYOTA" !!!
This protest could be very effective if "Associates" would not take the post-it's down until management tells them to directly . Could you imagine Walmart ? It would be a "Sea Of Yellow" !
I know this would work . The media would eat this up !
Spread the word , hopefully this time next year we could make a difference . THE JOB YOU SAVE WILL BE YOURS !
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
"Post It Protest" !
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10:36 AM
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35 Don't Just Sit There Say Sumthin !:
It seems a good idea. The yellow sea.
Maybe it will catch on ?
This is a fantastic idea! I'll have to buy some post-its at wal-mart first, ut that will be the last $2.00 they ever see from me.
I'm not kidding. This idea makes much more sense than the other blog-land protests that are proposed.
Count me in, brother!
Mind if I cut and paste your post onto my site? We're trying to spread the word right?
Sure whatever works to keep America and Americans working . Keep it going . I think this idea has legs and not because it was mine .
Ya scare me kid !!!
But please spread da WORD !!! Only !!!
You're the pilot! Pilot light's out! Mayday!
i was gonna do that but then i realised that its dumb because everything in our shops is made in asia. which makes sense really when you consider that we do live next door to them.
i will make one that says "don't buy this, its American", hahahaha
That's OK Jane if ya feel good about that sure . Whatever helps your area or lifestyle .
Doesn't GM have a bunch of car plants in Australia ? The make the GTO there don't they ?
I say buy Aussie not Asian !
JJ you haven't tried BC Gold ! If ya did your head wouldn't lift up high enough to punch that keyboard . That shit knocks me da fuck out . That's why I do Coke . I'm up all night [in more ways than one ].
Mack I like the way you think ! Your the brightest young lass ! You recognize shear brilliance when you hear it . Of coarse it's a great idea ! Please go forth and multiply . The Idea Needs Legs ! Did I say you were bright cause you are ! MMM..What ya do'n tonight ? Maybe we could think of stuff together ?
LOL . Kid'n ya I think it could work too . Thanx !
Hey Nick your car's not foreign It was made in Ontario Canada [maybe you think that is foreign?]Honda right ? They use these plants to made sudo-Jap cars . These cars plants aren't union and lowers the average wage by a third . The same junk that's in your car is in all cars . It's called marketing kid ! Sorry !
Greart idea, I own a small retail store and the box stores are like fucking Jackles! I hate them, people come to my store for construction as well and assume I am over priced, but the smart ones who read and study the facts realize, not only am I cheaper but a better product. Its a fucking mess thanks for the support. JW
Thanks for stopping by my little piece of blogland. That is too funny...just another point that post-it notes are great. Though thanks...I think you just set back my recovery a few months by giving me this challenge!...lol.
Hey Josh I work at one of dem boxes & you have my support ! They force companies to make a cheaper products to bring their profits up . I was talking to a Rep from a well known "American Plumbing Co." [hint} Home Depot told the company if we can't make a higher profit margin we will take our business elsewhere . They moved their factory to Mexico ! Another company was told the same thing 2 years ago "Kindred Sinks" . They told Da Depot to "piss up a rope" and pulled all of their products out of their stores . Guess what company I support ? It aint Home Depot ! Besides they treat their staff like chattel [maser & servant} . I'm behind the small guys like you and the companies with integrity . Companies Like Honda Toyota Nissan are not what they seem they are companies on the "Big Three's" payroll . It doesn't take much investigating to find that out . Boycott sudo-rice vehicles . Keep your money here and your neighbour employed . Support union made vehicles . K I'm go'n to bed , good-night Josh and good luck with the business .
Thanx for come'n Steff . Thought you'd like it !
Wally, your lack of an avatar is starting to create rumors that you don't really exist.
Therefore, take as your avatar either this or this.
Or something else. But you gotta just have an avatar. It's only natural.
Or maybe this guy...
interesting. problem is that most employees are so apathetic that they wouldn't care for the cause, they would not take it down just for laziness.
but people like you win nobel prizes, dear.
FJ : Waz Up ? You like the idea ?Thanx bud ! And as always fuck'da man !
Don't do that literally !
Unless ya want too !
It's OK if ya wanna fuck some dude , Im open minded .
I like da women . I was dream'n about do'n Anna again last night and half way through she turned into Enrique . He kept saying "pound me Wally , pound my tight ass" ! And I didn't stop I kept wipp'n dat ass till I was spent . I felt so...strange ! That wasn't the bad part . It was the kiss'n , he didn't shave . It was like go'n down on my old lady...I think I'm finished with this !
Ya know I was just kid'n right ??? I was it was a joke . Honestly !!
Gist I did have an aviator but I didn't like it . I found it more... I dunno more to my liking . I will have one soon ...maybe .
Hannah gotta love da lazy employees they cost those fuckers millions . I really think this would work as long as people buying were do diligent .
Hannah "How ya do'n" ?
As the sole proprietor of the only working Gist mill in the northern hemisphere, I need to keep all my employees in the dark. If they knew I could outsource their jobs (and indeed I have been), they would riot and demand things like health care, a minimum wage, a maximum of 60 hours a week, and not to be smacked in the face by a shovel every morning.
I just don't have those kinds of resources!
That sounds very familiar ?
You bet it does! You were my best employee!
And then the government got to you and made you learn how to ride bicycles. I never learned how to ride a bike, and I grew up just fine. Now, I must return to the Gist mill, where I'm late for a meeting with the workers union. I need to stall them until winter, when they'll be forced to end their strike for just a pittance of coal.
Bwa ha ha!
Can I get a job at your place of employment ? You sound like a fair minded young management type . I think it would be a step up for me !
Hahahahah ok, I have to admit, thats an awesome idea!
P.S. thanks for the comment! ;-)
LOL Wally ur the man...
revree nice ta meet ya . Come back and sit a spell .
Keshi hope ya had a good trip ! And yes I am da MAN !
Haha, dude I love this shit, I'm going to go to walmart and put about 40 post it's on some stuff and grab a picture.
DJ that would be great !!!! Hey I'm gonna set up a blog just for this idea . I'd really like some pictures . Could I down load some if ya do it . That would be great !
Wally... i am open minded too, but I vomit at the thought of kissing or sharing ANY sort of intimate moment whatsoever with another dude.
but, your touching fantasy has me thinking about how I would flip Anna K over and nail her doggy... what straight man on Earth WOUDLN't want to do that?
I would give her the best half hour of her whole life... wait a minute, who am I kidding?? It would be the best 1 minute 15 of MY life, and that's the way I f'ing like it!
damn you, Enrique Iglesias, for tapping some of the the finest ass in the entire world!!!
FJ just bust'n some balls LOL .
I'm all for supporting home grown products. I think that consumables produced by exploited workers are terrible for our free market economy, because we can't compete with manufacturers in China (et al.) who pay their "slaves" $2 a week.
With that said, you mentioned Toyota and Honda, both of which manufacture some of their products in North America - thereby employing us. In Canada: Toyota's Cambridge manufacturing facility makes the Corolla, Matrix and Lexus RX330, while their Woodstock plant will build the Rav4. While Honda's Alliston plant builds the Civic, Odessy and Acura MDX.
Hence I'm not in support of boycotting either of those brands, because they (in part) help our economy. Sure some of their manufacturing is done in China, but then again who doesn't dable in China these days. GM and Dell (off the top of my head) but if their Canadian jobs did not exist, the economic spin off would be disasterous. Other brands such as Geely do all their manufacuturing there and as such don't do anything positive for our workforce. They're the one's you should be after.
I'd like to see you compile a list of manufacturers who do all or at least the majority of their manufacturing in China and similar countries. This gives your compaign an educated direction, and ensures that you impact the right businesses.
I will compile a list . It will take a while ....forever maybe cause they don't stop . I will do my best .
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