Crime is associated with evil ! I think that's so , but I also think crime is commerce . Here in Toronto and the GTA [Greater Toronto Area] shootings have become commonplace . On Boxing Day , Dec. 26th. , we have large sales and people line up outside stores all day for some of the bargains . On the last Boxing Day something tragic happened in Toronto , a little girl was shot to death lining up to buy some clothes for school . Many others were also injured . The killers or killer have not been charged . What was the reason for this senseless act ...Drugs , Money , Power ! These acts don't only happen in Toronto , I know this is happening where you live too . I bet we all have thousands of stories , all with the same results , innocent people , mostly children , dead .
What was the response from the police ? Well the cops want more money . Like that's gonna help ! "We need more police on the street to combat crime " ! Bullshit !!!!! Da government's response ? "We need more laws to outlaw hand guns " ! Fuck'n Bullshit !!!!!!
What we need is JOBS ! What we need is EDUCATION ! What we need is a HIGHER WORK ETHIC ! What we need is TEACHERS WHO GIVE A FUCK ! What we need is MORE SOCIAL ASSISTANCE ! What we need is Mothers and Fathers to take responsibility for THEIR CHILDREN ! What we need is MORE MONEY for the working poor ! What we need is THE PUNISHMENT TO FIT THE CRIME ! What we need is to LEGALIZE DRUGS ! What we need is , HONESTY ! What we need is A FUTURE !!!
If the only way for young black kids [ ya I said it " BLACK KIDS" ]to make a living is to sell drugs , guess what ?
"Don't think so hard" ! If the only way out of poverty is killing , guess what ? If the only way a kid from the streets can drive a new 300 is Ho'n , guess fuck'n what ?
Children grow up think'n "what am i gonna be" ? All kids think that way , I did , so did you . All children imitate what they see it's a part of learning . They also learn from figures , father , mother , brother , teacher , etc... If their mentor is a drug dealer or a prostitute what's their future ? "Don't think so hard" ! Part of dealing is area . Question ? : If Johnny's area has 20 crack dealers and Johnny needs to buy his mother some smack , and Johnny has 15 rocks , how many crack dealers does Johnny need to kill to make enough money for a gram of black tar ? That's a tough question , but not for a kid in the hood ! The answer is ..."Alofem" ! You see Johnny doesn't care ! He doesn't care about them , or about you , maybe even his mother . But most of all , Johnny doesn't care about himself ! He has no self worth and no integrity . It hasn't been taught these things because nobody around him have them . Plus Johnny thinks he has no future . He will never say it but Johnny's thinks he's worthless . You know what ? He may be right ! Hey , he could be lucky , like his dad. His dad killed enough dealers that he took over the neighbourhood ?" He could be king like dad man" ! At lest for a while . Until some other young , strong , dude steps up and kills him . Just like old pops . When that little girl was shot that Thug was trained . Like a Doctor or Lawyer a Thug is trained . He is taught a Thugs life of , not caring , watch out for the other guy , kill first or you'll be killed , survival of the fittest or craziest . That Thug was trained for that moment when he pulled the trigger and ended that innocent life . You know what ? He doesn't care ! He wasn't taught to care and he will probably never care . Even when he says he cares . He's lost ! His life should end . That's the harsh reality . We must make the punishment fit the crime . "Sorry Johnny Your Dead" !
The only way to change all of this is to change our way of thinking about society . Crime isn't faceless or random there is always a reason . MONEY ! "If I got none , how do you get some "? The easy solution ? Sell ! Sell your body , sell drugs , sell your soul . If you think you don't have one [ soul ] that's a very easy trade . Sex & Drugs are fun , let's face it , they're f'n fun to do ! That's why we do them ! That being said what is the easiest sell besides yourself ? "Drugs baby drugs" ! They're all around us and they are the easiest sell , they're the answer to all of our questions . Even when you don't have a question or a quest ! "Remember when you got all fucked up and George fucked you up the ass "? " No" ?" Neither does George" !" That was fun though" ! I know that didn't hap'n to you but we all know people that it did hap'n to . Always a good time , everybody has a story or two or three . Sometimes the stories get old , sometimes they come to often . That happens . Most of us get out of it or never get a habit . Some don't . When they don't the cycle of crime is about to commence . That addict will soon steal from friends and family , steal from work . steal from stores , steal from other dealers and if they don't get help , die . Die ugly ! A very grisly death ! We all know a few . Some were compatriots some were not . I love when these social scientists or therapists come on TV , "These young people have nothing to live for that's why they do drugs " ! Bullshit !!! If that were a fact the rich and the famous wouldn't do them it would be a 'class' problem . It's not ! It effects every walk of life no matter how much money , fame or success we have . We have to face the fact that drugs are fun ! That they will always be fun ! On a short term bases . Almost every young kid will try drugs [and every adult] . What we all must do after they try drugs is to teach them moderation. We moderate alcohol don't we ? Some don't , almost all do though . This is hard but not impossible . We must legalize all drugs , we must make them tax worthy . Making drugs a commodity is a pretty bold statement and a lot of you will disagree , but here me out . To make drugs legal would create jobs [ Hey Wally always with the jobs ! ] increase our services taxes to spend on infrastructure and education , eliminate drug crime [Ala prohibition] , make our streets safe again , make drugs safer to do and less chance of sickness of overdosing , and so on... "This all sounds so rosy Wally" ! It's not it's commerce and that is why that little girl died in a hail of gun fire . Commerce has it's victims but not like that little girl . That crime and crimes of they're vain will fade away . Here's a scenario . If that girl didn't get shot and she grew up , there is a 90% chance she would have tried illegal drugs of some form . The very thing she was killed over she might have done . That's a sick way of looking at this issue , but it's the truth . We have to see our future and if our future is living in fear because of a social issue , lets change society . Let's kill all forms of racism , let's clean up our neighbourhoods , let's educate every man , woman and child , let's police ourselves , LETS LEGALIZE DRUGS ! Sa Again Wallycrawler .
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Crime Is Commerce.
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10:04 AM
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14 Don't Just Sit There Say Sumthin !:
Roger that man, Illegal drugs and worthless ass parents... slammin someone with 4 years in jail cause he smoked a joint or snorted a line isn't helpin anyone. All it does is makes it so he can't keep up, no good jobs want em... should put every useless fuck of a parent in jail who takes their 4 year old kid into the movie hostel(yeah I actually witnessed this) or let's their 9 year old run loose at midnight. There's a lady who lives down the street from me who's kid keeps stealin bikes and such in our neighborhood, I went to her house at midnight when I busted him and she didn't even care that he was gone... now the kid eats dinner at my house.
OK, but Wally, teachers are the working poor. Most of them do give a shit, though I imagine years and years of teaching can wear a soul down. A lot of teachers shop at my bookstore, and since here in the U.S. the public school libraries don't get much funding, if the teachers want their students to read good books, they have to buy those books themselves. And they do. They spend their own money from their own measly paychecks. I see it all the time.
DJ : How do I answer that man ? Your the man . Thank God for people like you , people with a heart and the balls to try and do something . I'm Proud to meet ya , really ! Hope that kid turns the corner maybe with some of your guidance he will .
As for "Hostel" , I think that movie was funded by the Church of Scientology . Fuck it and fuck them ! It's just internet chatter though I dunno what to believe but Tarantino has ties there .
Djohnds, you feed that little fuck? I'd make him work off the stolen bike.
So, is it that fucked up in Canada? I have it in the back of my mind to move to Canada or Iceland...
Tired of the corrupt fucks in govt. and want to escape it.
Ain't it though, about Djohns? He IS the man! We love ya Djohns!
ing : I guess your mad at me eh ? Don't be I'm there with ya . I love da teachers I love the commitment and the heart to teach .
My First [ I guess second my dad was 1st. ] mentor was my forth grade teacher in Catholic school . The first time I saw him it was 45 degrees out and this guy was bundled up for -45 degrees . He was from South Africa . I was living in a town of 2000 people , most of these people have never seen a black man , let alone a half black man . They didn't know what to expect . Well what we got was a great teacher a man who seen the worst and the best of life . He and others spent two years living on a ship outside of Capetown waiting for a country to take them . Thank God my country did . He taught us about Apartheid before anyone in North America had heard about it . He told us about Nelson Mandela long before the U.S. made him a media star . Good worldly stuff . He also taught us about self respect and respect of others .{ I know you have that respect just by read'n your blog ]I love this man and we are still great friends .
That being said I have had maybe one or two good teachers since then . Both of them in college . I'm not saying there not good teachers out there , there are . My daughter had one last year , one that cared . They're few and far between though . Teachers in the U.S. don't make much money . At lest not in the inner city they don't make a great deal of money that's for sure . Here it's a different story . In Canada the Teachers Union Fund is a large corporation , they own the Toronto Maple Leafs for Christ sake . So they're not the work'n poor here some make upwards of six figures , not poor . Most lose their way when the curriculum fails and they give up . I was reading in The Star [newspaper here] that the inner city children were drastically behind the suburban kids in grade point average . That tells me something is not right , that tells me that there is undo influences in the city . What could that be ? 1] Apathy 2]No moral guidance 3]Subculture. The subculture is namely drugs and their offspring crime . Part of apathy is the teachers . I know most have tried but without the funding and tools they lose . I have nothing against teachers I love them . We have to get rid of our old way of thinking and make way for the future . America has to get rid of their government [how many of those teachers you know voted for Bush ?]and free up money to help the inner city child . The only way that can happen is to legalize dope and get it off the street .Make the streets safe again . Free up money for more education . Teach self respect and respect thy neighbour . Instill a work ethic by making better jobs in that neighbourhood .That would show most of those kids that we care about them and their neighbourhood . We also need more social programs , after school that kids like , hockey [it's expense here , thousands a year to play } basketball , baseball , arts and literature . I could go on but it's in comments . I apologize if you misunderstood me . Believe me I'm with ya and them .
i grew up in a gun culture. i vote for legalising drugs....
Where did you grow up Double J. ?
Thanx Bill ! I hear you look like lady from behind ,[Jesus talks !] but I don't lean that way . Sorry Butch .
P.S. Like da Stetson .
/flex.. yeah I'm the man.. muhaha
dan, yeah that kids P.O.S> mom won't keep him in check so I try to, and yeah I made him give the bike back.
wally, Whoah, you gotcher self a pudding eater lookin ta break himself off a piece... ewwww hah
Oh I forgot to mention, I spent a year in London, ontario... I loved it there. Seemed like the worst crime all year was some guy who was hitting people on the street with glass Never heard one gunshot /shrug..
Cool Wallycrawler. One of your best posts so far.
Here in Switzerland we will legalize drugs soon, i hope.
We don't have that much crime. But we all think drugs are fun!
Die Murane : LOL that made me laugh hard man! Europe is so sophisticated ! I can't believe we have all this technology and our government here has us living in the stone ages .
DJ : London Ont. is a great City , it has a couple of Universities around it .the Universities there have a high female studies curriculum . My pals and I would go down there some weekends to get laid . We always scored high in London ! Love Dat Place !
**lets change society . Let's kill all forms of racism , let's clean up our neighbourhoods , let's educate every man , woman and child , let's police ourselves , LETS LEGALIZE DRUGS ! Sa Again Wallycrawler .
Very interesting thought...if it helps the society to stay crime-free, why not...
Great post!
Zululand, Southern Africa, Wally...
Now, where can i get me one of those GANGSTA rings?
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